Season Pass Promotion
This is the Season Pass subscription program that I built for social media platforms. Particularly Instagram and Facebook. Snowboarder Magazine is free and passed out at retailers that are considered Free Press Snowboard shops. Season pass is a way for people who want to get the volume magazines, and other merchandise. This year we offered Hoodies, Beanie hats, a video the volume of magazines and a Snow Balaclava hat. Last year season pass around 200 passes coming to a total of $19,800. This year Season pass sold over 400 Season passes, double from last year. ($39,600). The graphics are a Season Pass that I designer of Pro riders old Season Passes from their child hood to the new pass we made with their names on it. This yeah we made 6 Season pass promotions for the 6 pro riders. This one below if a pro rider named Marie France Roy.